Vøyensvingen 3C 0458 Oslo
+47 47 05 83 99
aleksanderburkow (at) gmail.com
Bildeling gjort enkelt. Hyre ønsker å gjøre det så enkelt å leie bil, at det blir som å eie. Med Hyre kan du trygt og enkelt booke, åpne, lukke og starte bilen ved hjelp av mobilen. Vi beregner bompasseringer, kilometer kjørt og drivstoff brukt underveis, så når du avslutter leien går betalingen automatisk direkte i appen.
Create free music videos for your tracks. One click, in your browser.
Exploring Physical Reservoir Computing using Random Boolean Networks
Evolving Functionally Equivalent Reservoirs for RBN Reservoir Computing Systems
WebGL demo made for Solskogen demo party 2015. Won second place in new school category
Playwright in the critically acclaimed children's play.
A compiler for the high-level Demolicious language, 'd', written entirely in Haskell
A functioning computer built from the ground up, with a custom GPU implemented on an FPGA. The components were mounted on a custom 8-layer PCB where a microcontroller acted as the CPU.
Led the team that finished the Trondheim student society's new digital presence. Now also open source!
Internet of things platform for mbed, with your smartphone acting as the central hub
WebGL demo made for Solskogen demo party 2014. Won first place in new school category
Android app with over 11 thousand installs.So pure and simple that even Jonathan Ive could love it.
WebGL demo made for Solskogen demo party 2013. Pronounced 'tunnel mountain water train'.
A WebGL browser demo made for BEKK RoboCup 2013.
Capra code challenge
Runner-up, Capra Code Challenge. Capra consulting hosted a 24-hour hacking challenge where the goal was to develop a mobile-first application for TINE SA. Our solution was developed with Django for backend using a REST API provided from TINE SA, and jQuery-mobile for frontend.
BEKK RoboCup
Part of the winning team of BEKK RoboCup 2013. The contest involved programming Microsoft Kinect and LEGO Mindstorms.
Blast application
Cross-platform location-based image sharing application.
Hyre is a norwegian startup company creating an easier and more convenient car sharing service, for both the owners and the renters of the vehicles.
Strategic Engineering with technology driven innovation. Web, machine learning and telco sphere hard science.
Developed microservices, frontend, backend, real-time services, and self-hosted infinitely salable video-streaming infrastructure, all in the cloud.
Created and held workshops in Bluetooth development on the mbed platform
Playwright in the children's play.
Greenfield innovation project on the mbed platform. Created an IoT platform with Bluetooth LE.
Teaching assistant - Software Engineering.
Head of Web Development and member of the marketing board.
Web developer - Development and maintenance of public and internal systems using Ruby on Rails and PHP.
Teaching assistant - Algorithms and Data structures - Lecturer.
Planning and execution of events
Web developer - Rewrite and redesign of MazeMap using Leaflet.
Web developer - Full-stack development of map-application for visualizing campus, student housing, and points of interest using Leaflet and PHP.
Student assistant - Procedural and object-oriented programming (c++).
Student assistant - Introduction to information technology (Python and Matlab).
Web developer - Development of mobile-friendly solution for viewing of mapping- and geodata using Ruby on Rails and OpenLayers.
Neumann Bygg
Inventory counter.
Tromsø Municipality
Summer intern - Maintenance and painting of local schools (orange).
PRYO - Introductory python programming.
Master i Teknologi / Sivilingeniør. Studieprogram: Datateknikk. Hovedprofil: Komplekse datasystemer. (Master of Science, Computer Science)
Tromsdalen VGS
Secondary school, exact sciences.
Tromstun Ungdomsskole
Primary school
INSEAD-Telenor Strategy Execution Online Programme